The best way to jump in and get involved! Volunteerism is in our roots, and we place the highest value on the wide range of skills, talents, and life experience that our volunteers bring to the community. We need volunteers for special events, community outreach, a variety of projects & office help.

Our board of directors is composed of many active visionaries and community voices in Louisville, from a wide range of sectors, disciplines, and fields of expertise. If you are deeply engaged in the radical support of families in your community, we want you on our board.

Our Volunteer Doula Program connects trained and experienced doulas with individuals who might not otherwise be able to access or afford the birth support that they need and deserve. Contact us if you are interested in volunteering or attending a training.

Would you like to improve birth experiences for families in your community? We are a community-based doula program that offers training opportunities for emerging doulas.
Mama to Mama's Community Doula Program provides doula support to families at low or no cost. The doulas who join Mama to Mama's program receive extensive training to support families who may be experiencing tremendous day-to-day challenges as they bring a child into the world.
Mama to Mama is committed to diversifying the birth profession, by supporting training opportunities for people of color, bilingual, culturally underrepresented groups, and low-income individuals. We provide partial to full scholarships to people interested in becoming doulas (based on your ability to pay) and who would like to provide support as a community-based doula. A community-based doula provides services within communities that closely resemble their own and are especially prepared to meet the needs of birthing individuals within their peer group and culture.
Contact us at info@mamatomama.us if you are interested in attending a training!